
Week of Grace Day 5

Download and print Week of Grace Day 5 Devotional HERE!
Join the IG party at instagram.com/kocoandviking and discuss Jasmine's story with her!


Week of Grace Day 4

Download and print Week of Grace Day 4 Devotional HERE!
Join the IG party at instagram.com/kocoandviking and discuss Lara's story with her!


Week of Grace Day 3

Download and print Week of Grace Day 3 Devotional HERE!
Join the IG party at instagram.com/kocoandviking and discuss Kristen's story with her!


Week of Grace Day 2

Download and print Week of Grace Day 2 Devotional HERE!
Join the IG party at instagram.com/kocoandviking and discuss Lindsay's story with her!


Week of Grace Day 1

Download and print Week of Grace Day 1 Devotional HERE!
Join the IG party at instagram.com/kocoandviking and discuss Skye's story with her!


Week Of Grace Welcome

A faithful group of women have come together to share a Week of Grace with their fellow sisters. Their goal is to grow and strengthen their faith alongside their Christian social media communities while sharing personal stories of His love.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith. This not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8

We welcome you to join us on a prayerful journey, exploring the unending grace He unconditionally blesses us with.  Each day will offer you a new way to connect, pray, and praise. May a week of devotion help lead you to a new and amazing relationship with our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ!

How to get the most of the week
Receive the entire week’s devotional by making a $5 donation (to Courage House) via koco & viking or download and/or print each day’s devotional at kocoandviking.blogspot.com for free.
Follow Instagram.com/kocoandviking and participate in every day’s discussion.
Use your devotional to connect and guide you in prayer.
Follow each host on Instagram.
Enter each day’s giveaway at Instagram.com/kocoandviking

Schedule of Hosts
9/8   Skye  @skyenmclain

9/9   Lindsay   @thejoyfuljewelrybox

9/10   Kristen   @aloetteofC3

9/11   Lara     @redeemedjewelry

9/12  Jasmine   @kocoandviking


A Week of Grace

5 amazing women have come together to strengthen our Instagram community through stories of grace. Each day, one of the ladies will share a personal story, answer questions and comments, and we will also be giving away some amazing goodies! 

Participating ladies
Jasmine of koco & viking
Skye of Skye McLain

Join us September 8-12, 2014 on Instagram! Visit this page each day to download and print out the companion devotional/workbook. Want to have the entire devotional emailed to you? We are accepting a donation of $5 for Courage Worldwide and you'll receive the entire devotional!