HOLIDAY SHOPPING DEADLINE: In order to receive orders by Christmas, orders must be placed on or before December 12th. My turnaround time is always 1-2 weeks, but you have the option to rush your order or have it priority shipped.
April in her own words...
Tell us about you!
I am a born and raised southern California girl. I miss LA and Orange County, but I have been living in WA for two years now and have fallen madly in love with the Pacific North West…it’s beautiful! I am married with two children: Paige is 2.5 years old and Carter is 10 months old. I have my hands full with those two kids/babies and my business. I have at least three breakdowns a day.
Do you have any fun nicknames?
Cakes. My Mom has been calling me “cakes” since I was little. Other than that, I’m happy being called just by my name. I won’t even let my husband use any pet names…especially “babe,” but we joke around with it.
What is the name of your business and what is it you make?
SkuttleBum…I make leggings, harems, headbands, and beanies. My husband and I also screen print t-shirts and sweatshirts.
How did you start your business? How has it evolved?
I was working at a commercial real estate firm in Orange County, CA when I got pregnant. I was able to go on maternity leave for a while, but because of the small size of the company they had to let me go and fill in my position right away. My husband had just finished getting his degree and was only working part time while building his graphic design portfolio. Our money started running out and I made the decision that it was time to pack up and move to my husband's hometown in WA in which we would move into his parents' basement. It was extremely hard leaving my family with a new baby. We sold everything we own, except for my rocking chair and vintage sewing table and whatever else we could fit into our cars. The move didn't go so smoothly either (our car got totaled along the way). During this stressful time I began going on Instagram while nursing my baby...which was all the freakin' time! I got inspired by other shops I was following. I had this gut feeling that turned into a dream of starting up my own shop.
I started out by buying fabric from other Etsy shops and sewing leggings in sizes NB – 9-12 months. Once those patterns were perfected, I moved on to the toddler sizes. Most of my customers came organically from Instagram. I now have a steady flow of orders coming through Etsy, FaceBook, my local community, etc. There have been a lot of bumps in the road along the having baby #2, moving houses, Instagram's algorithum change, and changes with Etsy. So many of the small shops have worked together and asked for help form one another through all these is such a beautiful thing and has made me so grateful to be in this line of work and work alongside such amazing Women alike.
What is the meaning of your business name? How did you come up with it?
I wish I had a cool story about the name, but after me coming up with really dumb names…my husband thought up this one. It’s a play on the word “skuttlebutt,” which, to be honest, I had no idea what it meant! But it’s cute and I loved it right away.
What is your biggest dream for you and your business?
To grow grow grow! Half of our house it taken over with SkuttleBum stuff and I would love for that all to be in a separate space. I would love to work outside of the my home once the kids are in school.
What is your favorite part?
The people I have met along the way! I have met some some amazing women in this line of business...other shop owners, brand repping Mama's, and customers! And even though I often complain about how busy and overwhelmed I am…I really do love the hustle! I realized quickly after having a baby that I am a do-er/marker/worker. Whenever, I close the shop for a vacation it quickly reminds me how much I love running my own biz. The part you don’t care for as much? Finding balance! It is a constant struggle trying to find the perfect balance between being a parent and running a business.
What is something we wouldn’t know about you or your business?
My husband is a big player in this business. He is our photographer, graphic designer, fabric cutter and screen printer. Him and I make any big decisions about the business together.
What has been your biggest accomplishment so far? What are you most proud of?
The biggiest accomplishment has been turning a vision I had into a reality. SkuttleBum is the coolest thing I have ever created, besides my babies ;) I work harder than I ever have at any other job and I am raising two littles at the same time…I think that’s something to be proud of :)
What are your plans for the holidays? What is your favorite way to spend the holidays? Favorite traditions?
My Mom is going to be visiting us for a whole week. I am playing with the idea of shutting down the shop for a week before Christmas, so that I can relax and take things sloooooow with my family and start 2017 with a clean slate!
What does shopping small mean to you?
There is a little quote flying around Instagram that says something like: “Every time you buy something from a small shop, someone does a little happy dance.” I love that because it’s so true! By shopping small, you are not only buying something unique and well-made, you are making a person’s day and maybe even putting food on their table!
Why is handmade so important?
Handmade items are unique and made with love <3 font="">
Are you doing any local holiday events?
I will be at the Village 253 handmade market December 10th in Tacoma, WA.
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